Linux on Zipit: Debian
This is a followup to my original article about using a general-purpose Linux distro on the Zipit Z2 messenger. In this post, I'll discuss my experience installing Debian (specifically, Emdebian Grip)...
View ArticleUbuntu 12.04.1 LTS: Recovering from a Broken libc
Note: Reasonably heavy UNIX-geekery ahead. Mostly Linux-specific, somewhat Debian-specific and a little bit Ubuntu-specific. Skip if that isn't your cup of ichor. I recently did something incredibly...
View ArticlePogoplug SAN using AoE
The Pogoplug E02 is a Linux-capable embedded computer with gigabit Ethernet and USB connectivity. It can be found quite cheap (US$35 or so) on the secondary market. As it was originally sold as a...
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